PLN Final Report
My personal learning network, or PLN, has been constantly growing. I started off with two websites and now I have a total of five website. Pretty soon I will have all open spaces on Symbaloo full of different websites that I can access. The two websites that I discussed in my progress report are The Teaching Channel blog page and BIE's website. For more information on those two sites just go to my blog post titled "Project #2 Progress Report." The three sites that I added and will be talking about in more detail later are the EDM 310 Class Blog, The Common Core Standards, and iCurio.
The first site that I added is the EDM 310 Class Blog . I added it because it is very helpful to me now since I am in that class and need to be aware of the updates. It also may be helpful for me in the future to show my students everything that I have learned with Dr. Strange.
The second website that I added was The Common Core Standards Website . This is the website to get all of the common core standards that I will need for my lesson plans now and when I start teaching. Common Core Standards are what I will need to follow as a teacher in creating the lesson plans for my students. They are the standards that the students have to meet before advancing to the next level of schooling.
The last website that I decided to add was The iCurio Website . Although I do not have a password for it yet, Dr. Strange was able to get us access to it for a while so that we could see what it was all about. I intend on using iCurio when I become a teacher. iCurio has so many wonderful resources for teachers and students. Teachers can research classroom tools and use them without having to worry if they meet the common core standards or not. Students can do research for different assignments on a safe and secure site and these days that is very important.It really is a win-win for everyone.
Creating my own Personal Learning Network has really helped me a lot. The wonderful thing bout it is that I can constantly add things to it whenever I need to. This is definitely a tool I will be using as a teacher to connect to every website I need in one place.
Blog Post By: Malary Booker
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